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North American Kelp

ZPD Distribution is proud to be a distributor for North American Kelp, offering high-quality kelp products that provide numerous benefits for animals.


North American Kelp. is a Maine-based company with more than 50 years of experience in processing kelp. The company harvests sea kelp from the same cold, clean waters that have been providing world-famous seafood for centuries. Our sea kelp is responsibly harvested and is processed to U.S.A. high quality standards.


Providing quality seaweed products for horticulture and agriculture. We sustainably harvest rockweed and transport it fresh to our processing facility mere miles from the coast, where it is promptly dried at low temperatures to lock in natural nutrients, minerals, and biological compounds, preserving them so we can share the bounty of the Maine coast with you.



All-natural kelp products to supply diverse health-promoting minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, vitamins, and polysaccharides, as part of a balanced diet to ensure animal health and productivity.


SeaLife­™ Kelp Meal for animals is a feed supplement made from 100% wild-harvested seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) exclusively from the Maine coast. SeaLife™ is a sustainable and abundant source of minerals, vitamins, and unique compounds that promote livestock health and productivity. No other single-ingredient supplement brings as much to the table. We don’t add any fillers, additives, colorants, chemicals, or preservatives, just 100% pure, dried Ascophyllum nodosum.


SeaLife™ is suited for year-round supplementation in a wide range of production settings.

High iodine content fosters health immune system function and boosts the iodine in milk and milk-based products. Abundant calcium and magnesium help balance crucial electrolytes, and reduces the risk of milk fever and grass tetany, especially in animals on lush fast-growing spring pasture. SeaLife™ is also rich in an assortment of vitamins, particularly vitamin A, which helps maintain animal health when on dried feed and roughage.


SeaLife™ is high in unique seaweed tannins and complex carbohydrates that set it apart from strictly mineral mixes. Seaweed tannins bind to proteins in feed and protect them from rapid degradation. This improves protein use efficiency, protects against frothy bloat, and reduces ruminal methane production. Finally, seaweed tannins and carbohydrates have been demonstrated to have antiparasitic properties, reducing worm burdens and shedding rates of pathogenic bacterial strains.


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